Monday, December 7, 2009

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winds whip the double anniversary paradigmatic Darwinian

Throughout this year, 2009, marks the 200 anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, considered by the public as father the theory of evolution, and the 150 years since the publication of proposal "The Origin of Species." Darwin's relevance lies in the popularity of his book, a text which at present is still widely read.

Image: Charles Darwin, in of = 2 & aq = f & aqi = & aql = & q = & gs_rfai =

Indeed, the merits of the theory should be awarded to a group of scholars the theme as Leclerc (Comte de Buffon), Maupertuis, Lamarck, Cuvier, Malthus, Spencer, Wallace and others, who were generating over a century the scientific climate suitable to produce a paradigm shift: the creation at a time because of an immutable world to one that evolves by natural selection over millions of years.
Since 1859 the theory of evolution is perfected and diffused, being accepted at present by most scientists. The updated version is called neo-Darwinian or synthetic theory. Pope John Paul II in 1996, recognized that the creation and evolution can live together without conflict, provided it is maintained that only God can create the human soul.
Entering the XXI century, the idea of \u200b\u200ban evolving universe is consolidated, however, claims Darwinists have serious cracks. The advances in scientific knowledge have evidence that contradicts structural principles of the classical theory. This means that evolution is a fact and what is at issue is the theory that explains and not the act itself.
The reasoning is based on Darwinian natural selection, struggle for survival of the fittest and the gradualism and lack a principle cause of the mutations. These key ideas are realized by evolutionary scientists in their research that found some anomalies that must be resolved.
The Russian thinker Peter A. Kropotkin, based on studies in Siberia in the 1860's, suggests that the species to live in an extreme climate, rather than maintaining a fierce battle show a mutual support, altruistic behavior, necessary for their existence . These experiences contradict the standard Darwinian struggle for survival of the fittest.
Bacteria were the first living things, cells Coreless, lived in solitude Earth over 2000 million years, until it appeared the nuclear component giving rise to eukaryotic cells. Biologist Lynn Margulis states that this was made possible by the incorporation of the original bacterial organelles, an event not be explained by random mutations, but by a process of symbiosis. Thus arose the three remaining kingdoms, fungi, plants and animals. The symbiosis is a cooperative affair is inconsistent with the spirit of competition posed by Darwinism.
paleontologists Gould and Eldredge argue that the fossil record reveals no gradualism but long periods of stability and sudden swings with mass extinctions and the emergence of new species. Your position is recognized as a model of "punctuated equilibrium" and is contrary to the gradualism of Darwin.
Meanwhile, the biochemist Michael Behe \u200b\u200bargues that the molecular events, microscopic, of cellular biochemistry, not analogous to macroscopic events, can not be explained either by natural selection or by gradual random mutations in the genetic code characterizing molecular events such as irreducible complexity. Behe molecular states for this stage of gestation of life, tight to the understanding, intervention of a designer intelligent. With this approach unscientific attempts to reconcile evolution with creationist ideas. This jacket sheds supernatural Behe \u200b\u200bdoes not override specific work reveals microscopic changes incompatible with the synthetic theory.
More rational is the message of the English biologist Francisco Ayala to argue that there is no necessary contradiction between science and religious beliefs. He adds, Darwin has done a great gift to theology and, at first, the theory of evolution seemed to eliminate the need for God and now has removed the most compelling obligation to explain the world's imperfections as a result of intelligent design incompetent. The neo-Darwinian theory Ayala acknowledges that genetic changes do not explain what makes humans different from chimpanzees, as the regions of the genome shared by the two species are 99 percent identical.
Maturana and Varela For living things are structurally coupled in the medium in which they develop. There are no more or less fit. If there are suitable and if they lose this status disintegrate. These Chilean intellectuals deny the survival of the fittest as an evolutionary mechanism.
Antonio García Bellido calls phrases to complexes of genes / proteins that control embryonic development in animals. There are phrases that are involved in the formation of legs, others with wings, eyes or fins. According to the English biologist, appendages of vertebrates and arthropods are not strictly homologous organs but we see that in his use of morphogenesis are conserved genes and phrases. This scientific finding is incompatible with Darwinian gradualism based on random mutations.
biologist Max Sandín Madrid argues that there gene sequences but spread in scattered fragments are combined under control whole genome, with the participation condition of the environment antagonistic to genetic determinism reasons supported by neo-Darwinism. Natural Selection, or is or is not viable and consistent with Maturana, there is structural coupling (adaptation) or disintegration. Sandín attributed to the virus changes in the organization of the systems that call evolution. And he says, the evolutionary process is a strange phenomenon of simultaneous sudden change in an ecosystem.
The neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory that explains biological phenomena only ignores the interpretation of events scenarios occur in abiotic cosmic, psychic, conscious and rational. If evolution is a universal theory must be able to elucidate the range of events ranging from the big bang to the clusters of galaxies, from cell to emotions, the language of cybernetics.
Of the questions, the different visions, bold ideas, perseverance research, interdisciplinary dialogue, the conflicting results of respect for the opposing positions of intellectual honesty arise new realities and although they have increasingly shorter periods of validity: Worth it!


The contribution, which encouraged to think of the relative positions can be summarized in the following questions:
"Evolution is a process of genetic mutation and natural selection or generation of new forms of organization?
Is the struggle for survival of the fittest, of cooperative behaviors and conflicts and mutual support mixed?
Do feat in a gradual or occurs in a sudden?
Is it a matter or phenomenon is also involved insubstantial reality of the world of relationships?
spoke "only chance, certain organizational or involved an intelligent designer?
celebrate the double anniversary of Charles Darwin, as the standard of a current scientific it was as popular broadcaster in the theory of evolution!
prepare our minds for an impending paradigm shift!
Mario Hails - November 2009

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