Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Can Regular Woolite Be Used In A He Washer?

eclipse iReports on a World Rankings Presentations

ago, more than five years in a life previous work, working for Oracle, I was lucky to match a project to the Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, with Ivan Gomez Caderno . In addition to sharing project and gastronomic varieties share the interest to work independently in their own projects, related to the world of databases, the Business Intelligence, etc ...

Ivan is a great professional and he and his team Galician, after several years of development, has presented to society, Classora. small For those who liked to read us 'The Guinness Book of Records', see the statistics of football in the mark, maps and statistics in the news, this site is more than recommended.

also from the technological point of view, using a well-planned architecture and uses Open Source components that we love, besides that promises to continue improving.

Below, I leave an explanation that is Classora, in the words of team, but we recommend you access the web and dive into the vast amount of data and information available.

Classora from a practical point of view:
Classora from a more theoretical view: C2% BFque-es-classora /

I leave a few examples of rankings more than interesting:

- top scorers in the League Champier
- The worst dictators in history
- Music Albums best sellers of all time .
- Major catastrophes History
- Best First Division coaches

... and are only a few examples,

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pinnacle Generator 10

As I had mentioned, we were fortunate to be invited to one of the most important events on technology held in Andalucia (Malaga and Seville). This is the E-TIC , organized Avante, which on this occasion held sessions on Business Intelligence , where we share presentations and panel discussion with some "heavyweights." As you can see in the picture, we were defending the 'honor' of Open Source Business Intelligence, with Oracle, Microsoft and QlikView, among others as Nacho Steltix, maintaining a lively debate about the best BI solutions and alternatives.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Can I Colour My Hair After 7 Weeks Of Givin Birth

Extra 1: how I came all this mess?

Well, actually, I came before the bait that the argument ... what lie. Then came the argument and had nothing to do with what has come out in reality. Which brings me to strengthen my theory that well-constructed characters have their own life. As always happens: I plan the story and then, as the characters have to be consistent with who they are and their personal development, just reacting differently than in principle should have done and the novel ends up taking unexpected directions. Then, try to put new characters for the story back on track in the direction he wanted and bam! I've bundled because these characters also evolve and have their own ideas. You might think I'ma bit crazy for saying this, but it is. Drive me crazy. What I think? So here I am writing a little how it would be history.
- is going to be a love triangle between Diana, Robert and Alexander. At first she would choose to Alex, but then end up with Robert.
- Careas would be coladita by Robert and start it a visceral hatred to the point that would ally with Alex when the two ended up together to deliver the vampire to the cold (because if it was not, there would be no .)
- The cold was bad, very bad.
- The vampires were all a bunch of good-natured.
- Diana would not have powers of any kind. Even would be so interested in magic.
- Desmi Prast and were going to stay with them until the end.
- There would be many dragons and unicorns.
- The elves were all real good (which Manichean am when planning a story ... anyway).
- There would be no tale. And certainly not vampirizarían.
- Diana would be an excellent goalkeeper. Nothing melee weapons or sharp.

Well, that was the highlight, but as you can see has nothing to do with what is now trapped in another dimension. By the way, here's a new download link, if you do not like that of Bubok