basic needs
ago three hundred seventy million years, freshwater marshes, some fish species begin to creep out of the water. Are amphibians, the first creatures with a backbone to colonize land.
Image: Amphibious. Photo: in 3A1 & sa = 1 & q = prehistoric amphibians + & aq = 8 & aqi = g10 & aql = & q = & start = 0 amphibian
Reptiles appear fifty million years later. Just as the above, try their food, protect themselves and mate to continue the cycle of life. All these behaviors are purely instinctive, individual and ignore the other, except for mating.
Image: reptile. Photo: in 3A1 & sa = 1 & q = + prehistoric reptiles & aqi aq = 9 & = g10 & aql = & q = reptiles & start = 0
Specifically, these animals spend their time meeting their basic needs: finding food, obtaining protection and assurance of procreation.
basic needs and emotional ties
After another fifty million years, mammals and arise dinosaurs. The first control their own body temperature ( endotherms ) are small (a few centimeters), postpartum care for the young and life is irrelevant compared to what happens in nature, and the latter depend on the sun for heat ( exothermic), some come to have large dimensions and then protect the eggs hatched children and reign for 150 million years in the fauna of the time.
Image: Dinosaur hatching. Photo: radiopresenciadivina ... in = 18
Both, as distinguished from their predecessors, to care for their offspring. Addressing these tasks is something new, an activity that did not exist.
This relationship between parents and children, in most cases between the female and her children, generates links that result in genetic load, ie, set emotional bonds. Thus, the behavior of these species is more complex and, in return, receive benefits on the environment.
Image: shrews, primitive mammal. Photo: reddeparquesnacionales ... in 3A1 & sa = 1 & q = Musara% C3% B1a & aq = f & aqi = & aql = & q = & start = 0
When the dinosaurs disappeared 63 million years, except some that fly and are endotherms (birds future), there are some reptiles, like crocodiles and turtles, to take shelter in aquatic or soil and mammals. The latter, with no competition in sight, multiply and divide in thousands of different branches and dominate the Earth to the present. Thus emerged the first ancestors of primates.
Image: fossil ancestor of primates 47 million years. Photo: in & ndsp = 18
Over time, group relations are improving, some species, including common ancestor of monkeys, apes and men, not only protect their young but also made between , forming numerous troops.
of these primates, seven to five million years ago, shows the derivation of the human future. This leaves plucked from the forest apes, venturing into the bush and learn to walk on two legs.
remain to take more than three million years until today, when several species of bipedal apes roam the plains raising his head to detect the danger. Their organization is very specialized group with responsibilities divided among the members, as in great apes. A dominant male, mates with the females and fight with others for the privilege.
These bands are recognized as individuals as males or females. There is no distinction between father, mother, son, daughter. In the promiscuity of the herd, sex, rooted in the instincts, there is only conditional bids, fights, jealousy, circumstantial or taxation benefits.
Image: band of apes. Photo: in = 18
The foundation of the organization is the protection of its members, especially the smaller the gadget, group bonding. Species adapted to these conditions seek to satisfy their basic needs, such as those cited at the beginning, food, protection and propagation, with the addition of incorporating emotional bonds.
basic needs, emotional bonds and matrimonial alliances
bipedal monkeys will multiply and come to compete for available resources. Their conflicts are increased until the accidental alliance between two groups allows them to gain advantage over the other. However, agreement is not easy. The difficulties always appear by disputes among males for females. Admittedly, by instinctive tendencies, the defendants are always the latter.
The solution is to resolve the sexual conflict and at the same time, establish stronger ties between the parties. The two issues mixed primitive pre-human and seal the alliance between two groups through the exchange of women (if they already can be called and female individuals and men to men). Thus disputes indict them and, at the same time establishing relationships among the partners. Thus was born the family.
The deal is reciprocal, women should be offered on one side be matched with the given by the other. This means that each group must book their own and refrain from internal intercourse. This results in the prohibition of incest, ancient and universal rule that is developed in conjunction with other traditional behaviors. Looked at positively, rather than a ban is a requirement: the requirement to book the mother, sister and daughter to another man.
The association between two groups through the exchange of women, marriage covenant, requires compliance with rules of exogamy. This simple first step in the process of family coalitions mature over two million years.
Image: Homo erectus control the fire. Photo: in 3A1 & sa = 1 & q = Homo + erectus & btnG = Search & aq = f & aqi = g4 & aql = & q = & start = 0
ties of consanguinity are the exchange of women as reciprocal gifts. This union involves a limitation on the sexual instincts, a severe restriction is the essence of the agreement (exogamous marriage) and is assumed by all involved to cause collective horror transgression.
The institution of the family, linked by kinship, and how communities prosper under the iron Exchange Agreement genres. Intergroup behaviors become complex, however, increases the overall operational autonomy against the vicissitudes of the environment.
within the family ties between the living and their ancestors (lineage) are marked (affiliation) by the father (patrilineal) or the mother (matrilineal). In addition to the residence of the mother with her children two possibilities: either the woman is transferred to the allied group (patrilocal) or a man of the latter attends to it (matrilocal).
These categorizations can be combined into four categories: patrilineal-matrilocal, patrilineal, patrilocal, matrilineal-matrilocal, matrilineal-patrilocal. The latter is majority ethnological although there is evidence of them all.
She knows who her children, she gave birth and, therefore, guarantee the lineage, the man has physical supremacy and gives priority in its own group home where he feels strong. These reasons may have induced the diffusion of matrilineal-patrilocal communities.
Women have and care for children, leading responsibility in times of high mortality (life expectancy less than 30 years). In the role of wife is the group intercom link, personifies the family relationship. The man in charge of defense, rough task.
The family requires compliance with rules which are responsible for preserving tradition. In a communist regime governing it, everything is shared, there is no right of ownership. Certain carnal unions are prohibited, other prescribed and transgressions, that is, they are punished severely. Its very existence depends on strict compliance with exogamy.
Image: in household tasks. Photo: in = N & start = 54 & = 18 ndsp
This form standards of living is perfected over time, the marriage rules are complex and the widespread sharing among clans and classes, in many facets, is expanding throughout the world. This process occurs over more than three million years.
As in the previous stage, the existential needs of the communities are: food security, gender and emotional demands. To this is added, in this case, committing to marriage alliances.
basic needs, emotional ties, alliance matrimonial law
Just, just fourteen thousand years of this, communities nomadic hunter-gatherers, are multiplied and spread throughout the world, focusing on fertile areas. The most powerful tribes and are incorporated in many Km2 of land needed for food. The dispute over control of natural resources is increasing.
Image: Members of a tribe. Photo: in & ei = AqWeS-WkFI6VtgeSnsCHBg & sa = X & oi = revisions_inline & resnum = 0 & ct = broad-revision & cd = 3 & start = 0
The ability to disperse seeds to favor certain plant species to ensure the collection requires preventing others rise up to the harvest and also the excess stored must be protected. This ruling encourages communities to settle in the best land and, in turn, to put behind the wandering life.
fights between tribes become continuous and the need for treatment arises between them to protect "their territory", preventing looting by neighbors, many of whom are still nomadic. This framework is compounded by conflicting domestication of animals in addition to farm and assets to protect.
Image: in the village. Photo: in 3A1 & sa = 1 & q = cities + & aq = primitive aqi = & f & = & q aql = & start = 0
settlements take them to villages and cities. The population density requires a common system. This is accomplished, for seven thousand years, with the emergence of the state (first kingdoms) as the highest expression of the public organization. Is the supreme law, which expresses the order that integrates content from customs, rules, laws or codes and it does comply. The afincamiento is achieved by more complex behavior than for nomadic tribes, and the advantage, gets precedence over the environment.
human society, embodied by region, rational collective agreement is embodied in the law. The agreements reached assume changes in lifestyle that are transcendent and some, in light of tradition, revolutionaries.
Land, crops, livestock, irrigation canals, houses, weapons, stores, in this instance, have owners. The property comes from the fact and the state is responsible for issuing the law governing its application. All civilizations institute property rights, in its origins and for a long time, it is understood as the ability to use and abuse of a thing.
The populations of the city-states continued their ancestral family traditions, based on marriage rules establishing tangled alliances between clans or classes. Most of these systems classified as affiliation and residence: matrilineal-patrilocal. This arrangement provides that the assets are inherited maternal affiliation.
The man, who assumed the difficult task of going to war, to participate in productive work, to be the political leader has no heirs. The emerging social crisis of the conflict between the rule of inheritance and property rights is the trigger revolutionary.
The agreement of exchange, reciprocal self-giving female intercom, which over millions of years achieves a "balance between genres," lost priority and is subject to the new social bond: the law. The matrilineal is replaced by a patrilineal and residence status maintained. From here on, the marriage alliance system retains all the traditional patterns except that now is patrilineal-patrilocal.
Thus man, in control of state power through the law, stands in sole proprietor and establishes the paternal inheritance. However, goes further, breaking with the "true gender balance" and includes the wife among his possessions. In addition, for thousands of years and in the present, most of the world in number of inhabitants, makes use and abuse of women.
Image: Marriage of children as a solution to disputes between families. Photo: in C3% B1o + or% C3% B1a & sa = N & start = 18 & = 18 ndsp
To make matters worse, the man changes the traditional marriage rules on those aspects that affect online hereditary. The wife can extramarital sex as a guarantee that her children are also his. Instead, it is accepted by society, although the law may say otherwise, that men can have female lovers.
Both the global society and communities prehistory, they need food, safety, sex, emotional bonds and matrimonial alliances. The complexity of civilizations requires add to all this a necessity: to comply with the law.
In search of lost balance
The preponderance of men over women is rooted in all cultures, not primitive. This implies the presence of a millennial conditioning, even today, is assumed to be "natural." The emergence of new social concepts such as the abolition of slavery, the division of powers in the republic, the advent of democracy, universal suffrage, the declaration of human rights, birth control, among others, starts processes for recovery of gender harmony.
The twentieth century is the scene of women's struggles for freedom and equality with men. The war in Europe entered as workers in factories and sex discrimination reveals to economic injustices. Flags adopted feminist socialism and the claim extends to social, civil and political rights. The guardian of the balance begins to move, the idea of \u200b\u200brecovering the lost balance remains a chimera.
In recent decades the original rationale of the law has valued its own logic and recognized in national constitutions and the International Labour Organization conditions of freedom and dignity, of economic security and equal opportunities for all human beings, without distinction of race, creed, or sex .
In most advanced countries are important achievements. However, despite the intentions and actions of the UN, the conditions of women in much of the world are inhuman. Current examples are: death by stoning for adultery or no respect for rules of endogamy (Iraq), circumcision, excision of the clitoris to prevent sexual enjoyment and to ensure marital fidelity (Ivory Coast), killing or abandonment of baby girls born by cultural patterns of male dominance (China) murder of young women from low-income (Ciudad Juarez, Mexico).
Image: Woman stoned to death, after receiving a hundred lashes. Photo: in 3A1 & sa = 1 & q = female + stoned & aqi aq = f & = & aql = & q = & start = 0
gender discrimination, less aberrant as those described but equally unacceptable, where the woman is a victim are: laws that forbid the wife to have inherited property without permission of the husband; lower wages than men for equal tasks, domestic violence in homes, commercial sex, discrimination in scientific research, exploitation in domestic service, etc..
The examples above show a harsh reality, a conservative society with a culture of "machismo", both men and women, making it difficult to implement, effective and accepted by all, the "recognition of the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family" (Preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights).
However, the achievements are many and important. Perhaps the most important political right to elect and be elected. In most countries of the world governing universal suffrage. In some not, as in Saudi Arabia.
The right to education is also critical, in Argentine universities six in ten students are women. The percentage of graduates of education at all levels is higher than the male.
The presence of women in executive positions and on boards of private companies is becoming more common.
innovations of this
DNA testing to verify blood ties, new laws hereditary conditions give equal for both sexes and social and economic independence of women reaching left meaningless to the original system of patrilineal-patrilocal marriage covenant. The legacy is shared, the location is agreed upon, the alliance is global and lasting marriage or sexual union for mutual convenience.
Image: double-stranded DNA. Photo: of & ndsp = 18
innovations of this place in check the social system. The marriage covenant as an agreement between families, the foundation of all human civilizations, is undone in time.
If the marriage covenant is inconsistent: the law must be adapted to new realities? "Ceases to be an alliance? "Only applies to married love?
Equality before the law for men and women: the family apart? Does a childless marriages? Recycle "crush?
If women and men are independent: the first bears the burden of children? Is this also a form of discrimination against women? Should they share all the responsibilities to their children?
The love between two people who wish to live together: do you need legal recognition? Is the love of family is more than two of them?
If women held political office, business, trade unions, sporting and cultural increasingly: come to equate the sexes in human society? , Does the power purchased will be at the expense of man?
The crisis in the foundations of society: is the opportunity to establish new rules? What is the role of women and men equal? What remains of the family? What does the world of the future?
Mario Hails, March 2010
Attenborough, David, 1981, Life on Earth - A Natural History. American Educational Fund SA - U.S.
Cabanellas, Guillermo, 1968, Dictionary customary law. Buenos Aires, Bibliographic OMEBA.
ENGELS, Friedrich, 1971, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the state. Buenos Aires, Editorial Clarity.
Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1998, The Elementary Structures of Kinship. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bEdiciones Paidós Ibérica SA