Monday, September 27, 2010
Is It Ok To Put Gatorade In A Camelbak?
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Features Dimensions: 25 cm. high by 32 cm. wide
Description: watercolor painting executed in the first layers made using inks on baths damp, for background colors. Subsequently, for details, I used watercolor dry.
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Features Dimensions: 18 cm. high by 26 cm. wide
Description: watercolor painting executed, the first layer of ink made by baths on wet paper, for background colors. Subsequently, for details, I used watercolor dry.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
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The thing went well, but unfortunately we have many unexpected obstacles.
The council finally let us in to defend, but the two idiots who oppose our march we had a surprise. They found Carlos! I do not know how they did not really care, but hopefully not done. I have struggled to convince the council horrors that all his statements are a sham, and again a truth spell has saved us from being seen as depraved, but we have lost a whole day and some credibility (because I recognize that not I was very sincere in my first weeks here.)
has been made a martyr, that's what he has done. According to his version, I was with the vampires from the start and drew him to them to be fed when we were sent here, "saved my bacon." In fact, after I hit him and forced him to leave the group making them self worth. Later we found the town where state (for weeks we had the party) to find himself caught in the "web of lies that lay, as I am the biggest liar in the world." He has traveled since then following my "wicked life" until he picked up a cold.
After some discussion, he had to retell the story under a spell of truth, as I said, and there it would have been all were it not for the very bud also said I should tell the story under truth spell. Ahem, I had no choice but to do and obviously told the truth, revealing even small tricks I used to let me go in the city and that nothing prevented me forward on my journey. Despite the loss of credibility resulting from this, I think it was quite clear that neither Robert nor I are depraved and both deserve to go home. Robert then told his version of the story and it became clear that Charles is not worth coming home.
After that, we were shown a list of people they have harmed by our presence. First, of course, was Estrael, which in some way and are free and drop us pests. He also appeared in it the guy who smashed the room when I made my first rune, the guards that we say goodbye, can not find work by have outlived their employers with the vampire tale, the wives of the guys who kidnapped Alastair, the captain of our ship, the tax collector said he had to return the passage money and suffered losses on that trip; Zuflucht kind of told us what happened, he had to spend two days in quarantine for having spoken with the vampires, the two bodweanas, who have no money to return home and own Careas, that since we have suffered some goodbye isolated attacks of vampires with Alexander.
I do not know who made the list or why the information has become so bad. In Estrael better not to talk. The guy forgot the room smashed conveniently we pay the wreckage. Yes, our fault that the guards are still alive but we can blame anyone for that? The blame for the implementation of the husbands of widows is not ours, but of them being criminals. Clearly, the captain forgot to declare the spoils of war and the profits would have been, having helped us to protect. Robert gave a lot of money bodweanas to leave, not our problem that have spent or lost. And nobody Careas forced to do anything. I feel sorry for the type of Zuflucht and I truly believe is the only one we have harmed, but two days is not long and not that you do not pay for information.
Well, the fact is that after reading the list and clarify these points, ended the session. Tomorrow we will see what is this ... What nerve!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Fable 2 Echo Mine Location
Burnt Skin From Acne Medication

Features Dimensions: 25 cm. high by 32 cm. wide
Description: watercolor painting executed in the first layers made by baths inks on wet paper, for background colors. Subsequently, for details, I used watercolor dry.
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Saturday, September 18, 2010
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In the 12 days have passed since I last wrote, there is nothing relevant except that any glimmer of bad feeling is gone and there have been some harmony. The trip was faster than planned when I started to get the hang of the rune. Seina says it is strange that has dominated in so little time, but, considering my career as a druid, it should not surprise me much. I'm not sure what was meant by what my career as a druid, but it's the first compliment that I receive as a druid, so I made illusion. Careas constantly kept screaming when I made mistakes, and Robert himself did not seem to feel very safe when I stood to make runes.
Anyway, we got to Estreina and, as expected, we received well by Dalu, but did not do anything to grace the presence of Robert and now we are in a form of house arrest for our own safety. Dalu has convened the council (which is a member, I knew I had more position than they said) and will meet the first session without us. Then later, when they feel more secure, we can talk to them and expose our request.
Dalu says that things are going pretty well and that board members are quite convinced that your idea is good. The problem is that there are a couple of lunatics who do not even want to talk about it and are against it, and are the arguments of those you have to refute. With a little luck, this will not last long because I hate having to rely on a representative (although the representative is Dalu) to defend my position. Took five months and many days here and so far I've been I who has argued, theorized and convinced people that I will not put obstacles to go home and do not like to delegate. Robert asked me patience and not to tell me that if I have the opportunity (and it is certain that I'll) go home without worrying about him, which she manages. I refuse to leave behind, especially when we are in a continent full of hostile vampires and magicians allies hostile to him. Or both or neither. With this really shows signs of character and do not stop yelling at each other, but also influences the forced confinement "for our sake." After a long time coming and going, I fear that now I do not like being cooped up anywhere, you have more luxuries. At least I have given a good bath hot, but now is not comforting.
Interestingly, some men have come to visit Dalu. In the end, until they fall well and everything.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
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We were attacked by bandits and Robert proved himself to save one of them to fall over a cliff several meters high, despite being our enemy. This proof that Robert valued at its true human life has helped to stop him as a bloodsucking demon murderer and you begin to see what it really is: more human than many humans I know. Dalu men seems that since then, a little treat Robert better and even respect him. There are no insults and even have received some samples of what would be called peace offerings. Dalu is happy with the situation and even to deepen ties, inserted to Robert in the night guard duty. I do not inserted at the request of Seina, who says I should be rested for training with the runes.
Speaking of runes, the rune is still damn hard to control. As much as I try to tell me what Seina (relax, concentrate ...) is quite difficult to do while maintaining the flow of energy and prevent the line from collapsing. Because the slightest neglect, crumbling. The truth is that I appreciate Seina is deeply around and think is best. If you ever have done this rune strokes by chance ... I probably would have killed myself and all living in several meters around.
They called my parents and, of course, we had to keep the pantomime ever ... only this time, my other friends were not talking to them (why the hell do they insist on wanting to talk to my friends?) And Seina had to replace them. When I was talking to them, looking puzzled, looked at me and told me plugging the mic, "What is a birthday and what place they have to send your parents a gift without you knowing about? ". What was missing, my birthday is in one week. My parents certainly insist on coming to visit me or something and therefore have asked for direction. So I said to tell you that could send him to the apartment but would not help because we're going to do a tour of Europe and do not really know where we are. And has passed the phone to Robert, who further developed the farce that my parents seem credible (according to him, the trip to Europe is my birthday present). Meanwhile, I explained what a birthday Seina and Dalu (and all men, who looked at us with curiosity), I looked at the same time so strange and told me that the traditions of my world is very strange. Ahem, if I told them. Robert then handed me the phone and my parents told me that my boyfriend is charming and not let him escape. Ahem, if I told them ... Robert has given his home address to send me a gift and pick it up when I return from my trip. I hope it's soon.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Where Do You Get Shiny Pokemon In Heart Gold
Dalu's men have arrived and so we started. Druids have been the outcry by saying that I have to train at an appropriate place and not anywhere, but Seina and they have been cut off, really do not know what is the training in the runes of ether, have left us in peace.
with us only men who were with Dalu the day raided the den of vampires. It is clear his contempt for Robert, and even me look bad, just to sympathize with him. A Dalu respect him, but I get the feeling that it will incite in any time ... and I think they are about to do that now, so I'll stop writing.
returned to writing after Robert and prevent one of the men kill each other Dalu. He actually has not been the fault of Robert, who has only to ignore the provocations of the type that has been offended by not receiving response and has been screaming like a madman, after which he launched against Robert, who has not done anything but defend. When the idiot has realized that without using magic would go wrong that the fight would be stopped himself, I had to intervene. Dalu
appeared shortly after and I've thrown a fight championship. As someone dares to attack my friend, do not respond. Dalu men who are well aware of the danger that I have, looked at Dalu and Seina and they simply said that because their orders are to be left alone with the vampire, are not responsible for the consequences of acts of those who fail to comply. I think that will slow them long enough.
Well, I continue to chronicle the day, but really not much to tell. As I said, men are not exactly friendly Dalu, which is quite worrying as I'm not used to go through life surrounded by people hostile (at least not openly hostile to people.) Were it not for Dalu, it seems that we are being escorted prisoners of Colds and not as their allies. It is very disturbing and, like the Cold of the city are like these guys, I am afraid that eventually we will have to leave there and find the city of the warm yet. Robert is taking it all with patience and resignation, an attitude that it begins to unhinge. Every time you say you have a little more character and do not let him try in this way, he just surround the shoulder with his arm and saying that would only make things worse now long term. I know you're right, but I hate to see how a good-natured as he is constantly insulted by people who do not even reach the soles of shoes. They get me I do not care too much because I at least, if I answer, I will not do in a pinch. But he can not answer, because doing so reduces their chances of returning home. Well, one thing I will say I'm not going without him. And there is more to say.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
What Is Creamy Cervical Mucus
Then in a little more like what I imagined years ago and in the recent past.
Travel, people, colors, landscapes, costumes, just missing the heavens, but this has shown us that was Forgan its future from the first day I saw the new world of the nodes, portraying moments have passed and directly associate it with some work under our belt. Sometimes
total bore no relation to reality, because it might turned out to be metaphors, which travel beyond the stratosphere was a way to represent the moment when we took off the ground and raise a few hours, and but in proportion was less, the feeling was like going on a trip to the moon or any world beyond the deep space.
What intrigues me are full of those skies full of celestial bodies a mystery yet unsolved.
As the image as a person, referring strictly to the dress we have noticed that most closely resembles the prototype of guy who glimpsed in those years, the same hair, same coat, around the glasses vary somewhat , but it is a more complete and final product like this, being already close to final.