An invitation to cross the line
In an opinion article published today in the journal Republic, Alberto Adrianzén has put a point on one of the i's that should worry the left-wing politicians and intellectuals in Peru, leaving the defensive and willing to live surviving within a system that is criticized and condemned.
And this observation is not directed only to the "old" leftist leaders of the 70 and 80, but also after they have committed ourselves, at least lip service to bet on a new order and a new society. It is not only aimed at those who move within the official sphere and state (parliament, municipalities, universities) but also those from civil society (or "bases") consist of collective labor, student and neighborhood, are active "militants" not going to hold rallies in downtown Lima and in some districts the cones of Lima which broadcasts a self-congratulatory rhetoric and assertion of "ideas" that make up the old orthodoxy, but is incapable of any action and creative prensamiento.
It is worth noting that those desperate for creative sterility to formulate and promote a social transformation project in our country, they prefer the easy attitude of leaders subordinate their ideals do not represent those ideals. We refer to driving a deal with nationalism, which at best achieve an electoral agreement for 2011, or those who are attached and promoting the Chavez project in Peru as an expression of XXI century socialism, but manage to comfortable travel and internships abroad that allows them to practice the "political tourism." This found a way to justify living within the existing system without supposedly betrayed their revolutionary ideals.
Nor should we forget the union leaders today have become bureaucratic entities that live off their union positions, with the privileges involved. Driving demands union leaderships of the utmost importance for the worker but are unable to make it a transformative social force, namely, to turn into a political movement. An example is the rights of workers in Construction, whose workers are killed or maimed by working in appalling conditions without any protection. The State, through the Ministry of Labour and the municipalities, does not perform inspections or they are compliant with business Constructure, most of them informal. What does the guild Construction? Nothing. Because in a real project of social transformation, civil society must begin to assume the responsibilities of the old state, replacing it in its functions to make it obsolete. Why does the main guild Construction workers do not visit the hundreds of buildings that are constructed according to the current speculation agreed between the State and construction companies, with more and more flexible regulation, and reporting these cases to the public seeking their support? Prefer the radical discourse of the guild meetings and the media, but the failure to act on the reality of workers. Prefer the interviews and photos of official scenario hard work and hard to organize workers.
Nor do we stay on the mere claim to these leaders. But are willing to cross the line, why must we wait? Why do we have to demand that we lead? Let's do it ourselves.
The invitation is released. Who dare?
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