From the beginning, the philosophy raises the dilemma between matter and spirit. This basic dichotomy in the design of existing extended to other pairs of opposites, but always included in the first.
Traditional science defends its scaffolding materials against the onslaught of ever-renewed sense that senses the presence of the insubstantial. The dualism reappears again and again under the most diverse forms, such as problems: brain-mind nature and culture, matter and spirit, body-mind-psyche nerve function, body and soul, physiological functions, thought, material-immaterial, polo-polo neuronal social, physical processes, mental processes, physical-metaphysical, natural-supernatural etc ...
The dualities above refer to two dimensions. In one of them (material) are located concepts: brain, nature, art, body, nerve function, physiological functions, polo neuronal, physical processes and physics. In the other (spiritual) line: Mind, culture, spirit, psyche, soul, thought, heritage, social pole, psychic processes, metaphysics and supernatural.
One of these pairs becomes relevant issues on the other, the brain-mind. Perhaps, because it occupies a prominent place in the philosophical writings, neurophysiologists because they spend many hours in his research laboratory, or for being an existential question of every human being.
Image: The brain material and parts. Http:// picture on Google Images.
hard scientists (monistic) consider the materiality of nerve functions, based on the strength of biological research, allows the explanation of mental phenomena and do not accept the participation of symbolic cultural tours in the making of this phenomenon. For their part, those that distinguish the presence of spiritual forces (dualistic) is inclined by an understanding of the mind as complementary between the substance and the insubstantial reality.
Image: Brain correlates mental process. Http: picture in Google Images
Many people and institutions, some ancient, are devoted exclusively to things of the spirit and directly linked to major sectors of society. Their efforts, passion, goals, outcomes, retention, adaptation, are not irrelevant when you set the vision of the world. This should be a red alert to scientific reasoning. Phenomena that occur that are beyond the materialist conception can not be ignored as if it happened. This, without reference to extra-events (beyond the five senses) treated by parapsychology. OK
monist or dualist position from a previous episteme condition. In the first case materialistic, away from the supernatural and, second, imbued with religious content, enshrined in the divine. Both positions dominated by fundamentalism stun it difficult to generate paradigmatic innovations.
These sterile intellectual confrontations "everything to me-anything for you" are also a form of black-white dualism and is well known that the universe is essentially gray. If materialism is constitutively atheist and spiritualism in the pair boxed in all natural-supernatural, it is possible to break the deadlock by philosopher-theologian epistemic modification of the substrate.
regard include some observations:
hard • Neuroscientists believe that the mind can be reduced to brain function is, that the psyche is due to physiological phenomena. Everything is cause and effect of one-dimensional processes: the material. Thus, leaving aside a special circumstance: two categories admitted and unavoidable, the matter abiotic and living. The brain is matter and if he dies but remains a subject neural activity disappears. Life can not be understood in physics. Consequently, they should recognize at least two dimensions.
• soft Neuroscientists, however, argue that the mind can be reduced to brain function, but that can be correlated with it. That is, is a physical process and psychological at the same time, or psychophysical. For the reasons above, in this case must take into account three dimensions: physical, biological and psychological.
• The existence of neural circuits in the brain is beyond dispute. Instead, say the soft mental activity depends on correlations between the brain and extraneuronal dimensions. Here the field expands to come into play notions of psyche, culture, society, language, thought, conscience. All these concepts can be included in a single dimension or multiple.
• The first dualism is abiotic-living matter. On this everyone agreement and no one has in mind. In summary, the dualist and monist are indeed the dualists are at least trialist or, in expectation, Enel.
Image: The mind-brain correlations understood as extraneuronal dimensions. Photo mind-humana.jpg in Google Images
If life can not be explained by the laws of physics. Can the mind be reduced to a biological phenomenon?
If the mind appears to correlate human cultural tours with neural circuits Is it a product that exceeds the boundaries of the brain? "The psyche is also situated outside the corporeal limits? In fact that culture itself.
Brain and mind. There is no mind without brain, however, if any, and has in fact, that there is brain without a mind. Do they belong to different stages?
If the ideas in play are around key concepts such as brain matter (physical), neuronal physiology (biological), mental activity (psyche), cultural tours (society) How do we set the reality? In how many dimensions Three? A? Two? More?
the brain active. Sorry! Mind. Sorry! Cultural circuit.
Traditional science defends its scaffolding materials against the onslaught of ever-renewed sense that senses the presence of the insubstantial. The dualism reappears again and again under the most diverse forms, such as problems: brain-mind nature and culture, matter and spirit, body-mind-psyche nerve function, body and soul, physiological functions, thought, material-immaterial, polo-polo neuronal social, physical processes, mental processes, physical-metaphysical, natural-supernatural etc ...
The dualities above refer to two dimensions. In one of them (material) are located concepts: brain, nature, art, body, nerve function, physiological functions, polo neuronal, physical processes and physics. In the other (spiritual) line: Mind, culture, spirit, psyche, soul, thought, heritage, social pole, psychic processes, metaphysics and supernatural.
One of these pairs becomes relevant issues on the other, the brain-mind. Perhaps, because it occupies a prominent place in the philosophical writings, neurophysiologists because they spend many hours in his research laboratory, or for being an existential question of every human being.
Image: The brain material and parts. Http:// picture on Google Images.
hard scientists (monistic) consider the materiality of nerve functions, based on the strength of biological research, allows the explanation of mental phenomena and do not accept the participation of symbolic cultural tours in the making of this phenomenon. For their part, those that distinguish the presence of spiritual forces (dualistic) is inclined by an understanding of the mind as complementary between the substance and the insubstantial reality.

Image: Brain correlates mental process. Http: picture in Google Images
Many people and institutions, some ancient, are devoted exclusively to things of the spirit and directly linked to major sectors of society. Their efforts, passion, goals, outcomes, retention, adaptation, are not irrelevant when you set the vision of the world. This should be a red alert to scientific reasoning. Phenomena that occur that are beyond the materialist conception can not be ignored as if it happened. This, without reference to extra-events (beyond the five senses) treated by parapsychology. OK
monist or dualist position from a previous episteme condition. In the first case materialistic, away from the supernatural and, second, imbued with religious content, enshrined in the divine. Both positions dominated by fundamentalism stun it difficult to generate paradigmatic innovations.
These sterile intellectual confrontations "everything to me-anything for you" are also a form of black-white dualism and is well known that the universe is essentially gray. If materialism is constitutively atheist and spiritualism in the pair boxed in all natural-supernatural, it is possible to break the deadlock by philosopher-theologian epistemic modification of the substrate.
regard include some observations:
hard • Neuroscientists believe that the mind can be reduced to brain function is, that the psyche is due to physiological phenomena. Everything is cause and effect of one-dimensional processes: the material. Thus, leaving aside a special circumstance: two categories admitted and unavoidable, the matter abiotic and living. The brain is matter and if he dies but remains a subject neural activity disappears. Life can not be understood in physics. Consequently, they should recognize at least two dimensions.
• soft Neuroscientists, however, argue that the mind can be reduced to brain function, but that can be correlated with it. That is, is a physical process and psychological at the same time, or psychophysical. For the reasons above, in this case must take into account three dimensions: physical, biological and psychological.
• The existence of neural circuits in the brain is beyond dispute. Instead, say the soft mental activity depends on correlations between the brain and extraneuronal dimensions. Here the field expands to come into play notions of psyche, culture, society, language, thought, conscience. All these concepts can be included in a single dimension or multiple.
• The first dualism is abiotic-living matter. On this everyone agreement and no one has in mind. In summary, the dualist and monist are indeed the dualists are at least trialist or, in expectation, Enel.
Image: The mind-brain correlations understood as extraneuronal dimensions. Photo mind-humana.jpg in Google Images
If life can not be explained by the laws of physics. Can the mind be reduced to a biological phenomenon?
If the mind appears to correlate human cultural tours with neural circuits Is it a product that exceeds the boundaries of the brain? "The psyche is also situated outside the corporeal limits? In fact that culture itself.
Brain and mind. There is no mind without brain, however, if any, and has in fact, that there is brain without a mind. Do they belong to different stages?
If the ideas in play are around key concepts such as brain matter (physical), neuronal physiology (biological), mental activity (psyche), cultural tours (society) How do we set the reality? In how many dimensions Three? A? Two? More?
the brain active. Sorry! Mind. Sorry! Cultural circuit.
Mario Hails, February 2010
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