Saturday, April 3, 2010

Putting Sand On Shuffle Board Table

generation ... Sign: many opinions, few certainties


Much has been written on the sign. This is a topic that has occupied philosophers, semiologists, sociologists, psychologists and linguists with different results, complex, difficult to reconcile. This helps to raise complex intellectual interest in the subject, facing the possibility of developing a simple explanation (Occam's razor) that provides strength to a concept that makes the following cognitive many scientific disciplines.

sign, a term of apparent simple meaning, contains within her the power to link together key terms such as: reality, thought, knowledge, language. This connection is important because the argument of the semantic content affects the whole.

While many scholars in the field, are a few theories that underpin the disposal regulations. It is possible that, by design of Thomas Kuhn, the resolution of the scientific problem arises with the proposition of a new paradigm.

Image: Thomas Kuhn in stories / testmap / kuhn.jpg


The renowned ancient Greek society, more than 2300 years examines the relationship between words and things they designate, and links from the origins to sign with the language. Thus was born the theory of signs.

Image: Aristotle ~ xripoll/grecia3.jpg

Since that time, philosophers and theologians dealt with the sign, including in the West San Augustine, William of Ockham, and John of St. Thomas among others. Recently, in the early twentieth century, sets out the main hypotheses.

Image: San Augustine SanAgustin.jpg

matter are distinguished in two personalities, one European and one from the New World. The Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure called the theory of semiotics and sign as a philosopher and scientist Charles Peirce designated as semiotics. The current trend suggests using the latter name.

The phenomenon

simplified analysis of the phenomenon involves four parts: object, interactions, subject and observer. As the figures of the subject and the observer may be mistaken in one (self-observation) for reasons of clarity teaching are considered separately.

The disturbance observer distinguishes it (action, physical phenomenon) from something (the object) affect another thing (the subject) that responds with a reaction. In the event an interaction (disturbance-response) that the observer gives different meanings depending on the theoretical framework that applies to expose the event.

reiterate, the explanations are always offered the viewer. His thinking will be the cast of his proposals.

Three Conceptions

1 - Dyadic

Saussure the linguistic sign deals. In this case the subject is a human being who is disturbed by a sound action resulting in his mind an acoustic image and a related concept. This mental activity, Saussure (the observer) is called sign language and defines him as a two-sided psychological entity that can be represented by concept / image sound.

Ima gene: Ferdinand de Saussure in saussure.html? X = 20070718klpprcfil_209.Ies

also indicates that the concept is the meaning and the image noise is significant. The sign language is the intimate union of mutual claims between the signifier and signified. Saussurean conception is dyadic or binary, ie composed of two parts. The link between the signifier to signified is socially agreed upon and, therefore, the sign is arbitrary or symbolic.

Saussure, observer, thinks that the subject perceives the object as it is. Consequently, the production of sign language is mechanical, for this purpose such a sign, independent of the subject. not clear who sets the meaning and there is no possibility of different interpretations to the same signifier.

While Swiss scientist for the sign language is the most important, says there are no linguistic signs and semiology are studied them all. However, there is no firm theoretical separation between them in the Saussurean position.

2 - Triadic

Peirse distinguishes the phenomenon of the sign in process, subject-object-interaction. They involved three elements that he calls, object and interpretant ground or representamen. The representamen is a sign that represents the object that exists, it generates in the subject's mind another sign, the interpreter, who plays first. Peirsiana triadic conception is to be based on three parts.

Image: Charles Sanders Peirce in /.../ peirce1.jpg

For him the sign is something by which knowledge and know something is not arbitrary but is a mental representation of the object product that affects the interpretant. Says that to know the world the only possible way is through signs.

Peirse, observer, explains that the objects of reality are matched by a mental construct that represents them, that is not the object itself, and that image must be interpreted by the subject. Proposes a direct relationship between object and sign supports.

The American also understands that there are no linguistic signs and semiotics is a process that includes everyone. Peirseana theory does not solve the problem of integration, also raises questions about the object or the sign as a link with the subject.

3 - Larger

English philosopher ( San Sebastián or San Sebastian) Xavier Zubiri proposes definitions differing concepts, including non-linguistic. To this end emphasizes the subject's reactions.

Zubiri argues, is the note apprehended sign it. Disturbance is felt that motivates a response. In this case the subject may be a basic body, a superior animal or human. sign So the heat is heat, light, light and the subject sign a replica feat. Or sign is one effect of the disturbance which makes the response.

I magen: Xavier Zubiri in spain / Zubiri / zubiri.jpg

The Basque intellectual known as a signal to the note seized it, now conditioned. Plus external attributes is limiting. disturbance is felt that motivates a response agreed by existing links. Involves recursive interactions (1) between object and subject - subject and object. The dog shows his teeth as a signal to attack the other dog who puts his tail between his legs in submission. It is noteworthy that external attributes added are binding: the teeth to bite and tail between his legs to shorten the antagonistic figure.

Man as the subject admits more elaborate signals. A motorist at the red light stops his vehicle at stop sign and cross-circulating it, accelerates the march to see the green light, crossing signal. Subject and object are alternately both drivers and the signal is strengthened in the sense interpreted based on guidelines agreed. External to the individual attributes are linked to the fact itself: the action of circular. The semaphore can not be everywhere, must be installed at the intersection of streets.

In Zubiri's thought has another form of response subject, only possible if human. This is the case in which links signal conditions are arbitrary, ie outside the note itself, foreign to the disturbance motivating. It is a sign that acquires significance and is called the symbol.

This characterization of recursive symbolic interaction is nothing other than sign language. Between object and subject - subject and object arises in repeated interactions significant intention appears symbolic.

Zubiri, observer understands, as Saussure and Peirse, that real objects are felt by the subject and, unlike them, builds its position based on the different kinds of response. His conception of the problem is widespread because it addresses both the linguistic signs and which are not.

English philosopher expands the theoretical framework and aims to separate the notions of sign, sign and symbol, always confusing. His ideas do not question the purpose and, although separate concepts, accepts the signal and symbol signical components that hinder their performance.

New paradigms

The claim of this sample of basic views on "sign" is to expose substantial differences in the explanations of the same phenomenon by three prominent intellectuals. Disagreements arise from the starting point, the major reference model adopted by each author. The paradigm shift can lead to new theories, some ideological innovations are listed below:

Quantum physics says that everything in the universe is connected, that is one thing, something unknowable. The ultimate reality, says David Bohm, the whole is not fragmented, moving or holomovement order. The framework of events that flows in the here and now requires a new scientific approach, explaining further that perception mystical feel the immanence or transcendence of the whole.

Image: David Bohm in ar /. .. / David_Bohm.jpg

system theory states that individual objects are unique, with specific properties do not exist. What is itself distinct network of relationships embedded in larger networks (Fritjof Capra).

Image: Fritjof Capra in /.../ FritjofCapra_web.jpg

The biology of knowledge, whose mentors are the Chilean Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela, asserts that reality is created by the mind, according to their genetic, emotional and cultural. Varela termed the enaction of the fact to emerge world through our thoughts.

Image: Francisco Varela images / varela_photo.jpg

objective observation of the things There is illusory. Maturana maintains that an observer has no operational biological basis to assert something about objects, entities or relations as if they existed independently of him. Means objective knowledge (objectivity in parentheses) that results from the strict application of scientific method, validated by the scientific community to which he belongs.

Imag in: Humberto Maturana in Imagespa / hmaturana.jpg

the beginning is suggested that Simplified analysis of the phenomenon involves four parts: object, interactions, subject and observer. The ability to configure new theoretical frameworks is valid and they seem to book a place to the last mentioned: the observer. With the expectation that generate new paradigms, the thought goes into the maelstrom to find new explanations and, between them, which solves the problem of the sign.


If the object is not feasible: the sign takes on another meaning? In our mind: there is only a sign?

If the object is replaced by the system that is connected to everything: how does this affect the subject? And the interactions?

If reality is created by our mind: why is it necessary to distinguish signal sign and symbol? Are they just intellectual inventions?

If the objective observation of the object is not possible, what is the link between the sign and the disturbances that feel? What is the role of the observer?

If the universe is unknowable whole: are they real object, the subject and the interactions between them? What is the sign?


1 - Recursive: no repetitive repetitive process in spiral flow introduces operational changes.

Mario Hails, April 2010


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