Consciousness and thought
Al pensar1 why they are considering the idea of \u200b\u200bhow difficult it is not thinking. This is done during sleep, where state is lost conciente2, meditation, when it is possible to achieve a state of "sleep-aware" or to lose consciousness for a brain problem.
Consciousness: the observation of the observer. |
Apart from these special cases, human beings always think of something, despite continuously running activities without thinking. Most of the actions performed by men and women are unconscious. Breathe, the heart pumps blood, the immune system defends against foreign agents, reproduce, walk, maintain balance in the body, digesting food, have emotions, care for their children, etc. These are all instinctive biological activities, which can be concrete without thinking about them.
learning allows many behaviors that are thought to start finish being unconscious. Playing sports, dancing, driving a car, typing on the computer, writing with the pen, doing routine things in the home or work, etc., All without thinking about these actions or, better yet, thinking about something else.
The state of consciousness is not sleep or meditate, or to comply with biological activities, instinctive or learned, but lies in the action of thinking. And to think, you know you know, that is, the awareness needs of thought and vice versa.
But who comes from who? This resembles the dilemma: what came first, the chicken or the egg? Today we know that both are developing in conjunction with mutual influences from an animal ancestor.
Thoughts |
If so, thought and conscience develop at the same time, through adaptive interactions, coupled with the gestation of their structures (the Chilean neurobiologist Humberto Maturana calls this feature Systemic structural coupling). The first conclusion is: thought and consciousness are products of a common phenomenon.
Thought and Language
Language |
weaves Thought and thought about things that other human beings. It is difficult to think of something new. It happens that someone thinks he has an original thought and it turns out, when asked about the subject, discovered that this idea was treated by the Greeks 2300 years ago. However, the experience to envision a new concept, but then comes the heartbreak, is instructive in the sense of how difficult it is to grab something unprecedented, as there is a term that distinguishes it, that name. At this juncture is that it detects that there is no thought without words because, he runs away, slips between known terms that represent other ideas, similar but distinct. Until it is given a name, the new is something that can sense but not grasp. The word is identified and incorporated into the thinking. Palabras3 is thought through, with them things mean. The second conclusion is: not lenguaje4 no thought and without thought there is no language.
Language and community
more complex animals communicate with each other. However, do not use symbols articulated sense, except for humans. This form allows sophisticated communication give meaning to things, name them. This fact is remarkable since the name not only refers to an object but to all those who belong to the class. For example, the "house, not only refers to one in particular but to any other, is built with mud bricks, wood, glass, metal or cardboard. This abstraction, the result of language is unique to humans.
that communicates Community = |
Language is the tool till the primal understanding between groups. It can also be said that the requirements of association by human groups drive the development of new forms of communication, that shape the language. The third conclusion is: the language and communities are needed, are complementary and together are developing in interactive, with mutual influences.
Human communities and their living conditions
require human communities living in the case of hominids, for training, however, this is not sufficient reason necessary. In addition to these agencies bipeds, requires other conditions.
communities as systemic organization are based on their origins in blood ties between groups. So arise, it more than 3.6 million years, family ties, possible through the gestation process and interactive parallel consciousness, thought and language. The fourth conclusion is the organization specific human communities through the simultaneous generation shared with adaptation, consciousness, thought and language.
Final conclusion
In the history of life on Earth, from a given when there is an unprecedented phenomenal domain result of the formation of communities linked by family ties . The gestation of thoughts, consciousness and language are conditions of existence of the new phenomenon, called several million years later: the human phenomenon.
Speaking of thinking: what do the stones? Are the vegetables? "Lower animals?
"dogs? Do the dolphins? "Human individuals? "Human communities?
conscience, thought and language: are products of the brain? or are they the result of community organizing?
conscience, thought and language: are derived from the appearance of the neocortex? or do they develop with their actions the neocortex?
An individual who is not taught lingüísticos5 codes: is thinking? Is the landmark case of the deaf? "For that reason are considered incapable in law?
Notes Thinking: think, consider or devise.
2 Awareness: knowing that one knows.
3 is thought by the words, many scientists do applied algorithms, with mathematical language, others like the artists through their works, artistic language.
4 Language: communication through symbols articulated sense.
5 is to highlight the case of Helen Keller, born in 1880 in the U.S., at 19 months old is blind and deaf. Tells her that up to 7 years no emotional memory, which can not build awareness. From that age, through the sense of touch receives his first lessons, then thanks to the Braille system, expands its conscious world and becomes a notable writer.
The pictures are from Google images. Mario
Hails, July 2010