Saturday, July 31, 2010

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Druid Forest of the Druids

Day 144: Druids

At last we reached the forest preferred by the Druids. It is a forest rather small (should be around the 3 hectares), although it notes that it is old and is well maintained.

There were problems because they would not leave spend any of my peers and in the end, despite our protests, it was decided that even Careas could happen, being a magician warm. He was about to refuse to enter me too when Robert said that neither occurred to me that I did not want to end up killing us all with a rune control. I know I exaggerate (or maybe not?) But I finally decided to enter, but not before telling the custodians of the forest was not going to stay and sleep there. They looked at me strangely and took me to the heart of the forest, where a group of guys who seemed taken from the Asterix and Obelix comics (which did not seem exactly the druid) I received coldly saying that, even though I said be believed druid I was really, given the companies with which they traveled. That pissed me a lot, so when I was told to make a Rune of my block of elements made a fire rune and my anger did the rest. Luckily, there were protective runes everywhere, but the face of astonishment was so funny they put that anger me and I passed a wind rune to undo the damage he had caused few. Intensified the shock and asked me out of the room (if a clearing you can call room) to deliberate.

Soon they called me and told me I was a rare event, since my block of elements is the ether and it encompasses all the other depending on mood. Then gave a speech that seemed out of Presocratic theories and said I should wait until it was the only other person whose block elements was the ether. It would take a week while I teach them what they could and try to take away the bad habits that I have instilled Careas.

When I went to sleep at the camp, before we can explain everything, Careas and Alex told me that they would leave the next day. Tell them nothing and waited to be alone with Robert and told him what had happened. Robert frowned his brow and said we should wait for the druid ether and it was important that I learn what I want to teach me. The element ether (which should be the magic) is something that had to keep secret the Druids (since Careas not told me about him, and Robert knew nothing), and therefore must be dangerous. I suppose if it's magic, that explains why it has not appeared on Earth. There is no iota.

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The group starts to break

Day 140: The bodweanas leave

After several days of walking in which tension could be cut with a knife, bodweanas glimpsed a flash of city decided it was time to leave. No trust in his own common sense, we say goodbye to them making them promise not to say anything about the four of us and when they set out, faced with complaints of Careas and Alexander, Robert and I continue to see if they arrived safely in the city, and if indeed the city would not pose a danger to them. Luckily, there was nothing to worry about, since the city was controlled by the cold and let us pass through the hanging Dalu gave us, not without looking at Robert with some suspicion.

After making sure that Desdre Desma and were properly installed and that seemed to have many problems, we bought some supplies and returned we had come to meet the couple staring grimly. If previously there was tension, now it is practically a living hell. I do not know how we got into this situation after all we've spent together. I guess there are certain things that do not work from the beginning, and even if you try to glue to the breaks at the end the matter ceases to exist because there are more adhesive than anything else. Now I realize that everything that allegedly served to unite us apart even more.

Careas blame me for turning her life in constant danger, but I say does not the have forced me to stay?, Not to mention that I have animosity for time (just look what happened when Estrael got trick) because at some point they decided to not ask for my opinion I should be something like the official leader of the group. In addition, they tend to believe that she gives me more knowledge than I to her (a lie, as twice the time spent with their child's questions with my runes, only that she, by virtue of growing up in a world that science has no relevance or basis, it costs you more than me do magical drawings).

Alexander, meanwhile, always takes the side of Careas and also knows that I have him draft and that Robert will begin to sink as well (after many centuries, I think about time). I think it was a friend of Robert, and after me, out of pure interest: Robert did not want to be just so many centuries and did not trust other vampires and me because it was a good opportunity to return to Earth. Now not only has to Careas, and do not want to go home, so the mask of friendship is broken into pieces. Although

breaks my heart, I prefer not getting around the issue. I guess they will leave at the earliest opportunity, because nothing compels them to move on. In fact, I also blame me for being trapped in a hostile continent, as if I were forced to board the vessel at knifepoint doubles.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

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which not come to the rescue

Day 137:

At last Robert and I met again with the group, who had made a permanent camp in a small grove in Careas contacted. As I guessed, believed that the two were dead and continued his way perceived as cold signals in the vicinity.

I still think that's no excuse. Robert says that in this world, everyone has to carry the consequences of their decisions and that, therefore, when someone decides to risk his life and there is little chance of living out the rescue, he leaves behind. It is a very noble attitude, the truth, though I doubt that in this world there are the orders of chivalry and the concept of honor. But even accepting the customs of this world, that is not explained by the fact that Alexander was so cowardly to let Robert (who sacrificed for him and with whom she has a friendly relationship for hundreds of years) at the mercy Melisa. Before that, Robert frowned and said, certainly, Alexander is a coward, but even so he decided to surrender to prevent all damage we suffer, and if I were a bit cleverer, it would be something funky. After discussing for a while, we left on tables and let the fish (well, actually, with the cries, caught nothing.)

Sea of \u200b\u200bhabit or out of cowardice, the truth is that the attitude of Careas and Alexander (not the bodweanas, who wanted to join the rescue suicide but did not let them) has caused a rift between them and us, I fear, will result from the final break from a group, we admit, since we left Prast and Desmi and the two began to play the couples are not as united as it should. What most Careas I joined (the exchange of useful knowledge) and is running at almost nothing remains to tell of the runes and realize that most scientific laws applicable to the Earth does not work in this world. Now our characters collide more than ever. Alexander, what fool is a bit hypocritical and not that much interest now return to Earth. Neither Alexander nor Careas worry about anything, and we are left to Robert and me all the responsibilities (and the blame if we're wrong). With both bodweanas not get along particularly well either, because although we like are too impulsive and seem unaware of what happens in reality, go to your ball. In any case, we have reported that they get bored enough with us and leave us thinking in the next town. I feel fear, those two are able to get into a city completely controlled by vampires.

Finally, the group is no longer a cohesive group, but three "couples" who travel together. To make matters worse, the alliance that forced Robert and I have sat down with fatal Cold Careas (whose order of magicians is facing them) and Alexander (which may now want to stay here, has not forgiven the fact Colds forcibly sent him to this world), which have been irrationally angry with us. "Well, at least they were there when we needed them, and not two days' journey", I just tell them. Now I only speak when absolutely necessary.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

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Consciousness and thought

Al pensar1 why they are considering the idea of \u200b\u200bhow difficult it is not thinking. This is done during sleep, where state is lost conciente2, meditation, when it is possible to achieve a state of "sleep-aware" or to lose consciousness for a brain problem.

Consciousness: the observation of the observer.
Apart from these special cases, human beings always think of something, despite continuously running activities without thinking. Most of the actions performed by men and women are unconscious. Breathe, the heart pumps blood, the immune system defends against foreign agents, reproduce, walk, maintain balance in the body, digesting food, have emotions, care for their children, etc. These are all instinctive biological activities, which can be concrete without thinking about them.
learning allows many behaviors that are thought to start finish being unconscious. Playing sports, dancing, driving a car, typing on the computer, writing with the pen, doing routine things in the home or work, etc., All without thinking about these actions or, better yet, thinking about something else.
The state of consciousness is not sleep or meditate, or to comply with biological activities, instinctive or learned, but lies in the action of thinking. And to think, you know you know, that is, the awareness needs of thought and vice versa.
But who comes from who? This resembles the dilemma: what came first, the chicken or the egg? Today we know that both are developing in conjunction with mutual influences from an animal ancestor.
If so, thought and conscience develop at the same time, through adaptive interactions, coupled with the gestation of their structures (the Chilean neurobiologist Humberto Maturana calls this feature Systemic structural coupling). The first conclusion is: thought and consciousness are products of a common phenomenon.

Thought and Language

weaves Thought and thought about things that other human beings. It is difficult to think of something new. It happens that someone thinks he has an original thought and it turns out, when asked about the subject, discovered that this idea was treated by the Greeks 2300 years ago. However, the experience to envision a new concept, but then comes the heartbreak, is instructive in the sense of how difficult it is to grab something unprecedented, as there is a term that distinguishes it, that name. At this juncture is that it detects that there is no thought without words because, he runs away, slips between known terms that represent other ideas, similar but distinct. Until it is given a name, the new is something that can sense but not grasp. The word is identified and incorporated into the thinking. Palabras3 is thought through, with them things mean. The second conclusion is: not lenguaje4 no thought and without thought there is no language.

Language and community

more complex animals communicate with each other. However, do not use symbols articulated sense, except for humans. This form allows sophisticated communication give meaning to things, name them. This fact is remarkable since the name not only refers to an object but to all those who belong to the class. For example, the "house, not only refers to one in particular but to any other, is built with mud bricks, wood, glass, metal or cardboard. This abstraction, the result of language is unique to humans.
that communicates Community =
Language is the tool till the primal understanding between groups. It can also be said that the requirements of association by human groups drive the development of new forms of communication, that shape the language. The third conclusion is: the language and communities are needed, are complementary and together are developing in interactive, with mutual influences.

Human communities and their living conditions

require human communities living in the case of hominids, for training, however, this is not sufficient reason necessary. In addition to these agencies bipeds, requires other conditions.
communities as systemic organization are based on their origins in blood ties between groups. So arise, it more than 3.6 million years, family ties, possible through the gestation process and interactive parallel consciousness, thought and language. The fourth conclusion is the organization specific human communities through the simultaneous generation shared with adaptation, consciousness, thought and language.

Final conclusion

In the history of life on Earth, from a given when there is an unprecedented phenomenal domain result of the formation of communities linked by family ties . The gestation of thoughts, consciousness and language are conditions of existence of the new phenomenon, called several million years later: the human phenomenon.


Speaking of thinking: what do the stones? Are the vegetables? "Lower animals?
"dogs? Do the dolphins? "Human individuals? "Human communities?

conscience, thought and language: are products of the brain? or are they the result of community organizing?

conscience, thought and language: are derived from the appearance of the neocortex? or do they develop with their actions the neocortex?

An individual who is not taught lingüísticos5 codes: is thinking? Is the landmark case of the deaf? "For that reason are considered incapable in law?

Notes Thinking: think, consider or devise.
2 Awareness: knowing that one knows.
3 is thought by the words, many scientists do applied algorithms, with mathematical language, others like the artists through their works, artistic language.
4 Language: communication through symbols articulated sense.
5 is to highlight the case of Helen Keller, born in 1880 in the U.S., at 19 months old is blind and deaf. Tells her that up to 7 years no emotional memory, which can not build awareness. From that age, through the sense of touch receives his first lessons, then thanks to the Braille system, expands its conscious world and becomes a notable writer.

The pictures are from Google images. Mario

Hails, July 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

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escribolee Like, I do you have in mind ... I have to do is to enter the blog entry on the page.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

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Day 135: Melissa and to test the cold

Melisa was not going to give up easily, and finally touched me forever crisps. But I start from the beginning. No one bothered us as we rested that night, and when I woke Robert looked at me strangely. She could talk and could barely move, so I bite the bullet and despite his weak protests gave a little more my blood. Too heavy for me to go carrying it, and so, with my blood to sustain him, he could walk leaning on me.

A rune location rather badly made (Careas and I have not delved into this kind of runes, which are pretty useless, or at least seem to need to locate someone) told me that the group was far and moves further away, but did not find out or address and why such a hurry. For some reason, I could not contact her or me notice to get in touch with me.

Well, Robert was recovering very slowly, so slowly move up to a pretty cave deck where I put all sorts of magic tricks, with the idea of \u200b\u200bspending a few days there, until improved or our colleagues Robert found us. Though I suppose, now that I think, they must think we're dead.

left alone for a while and looked provisions for several days, then turned and began to argue over who's the idiot, if delivered to him by the psychopath that or I to go to his rescue. We ended up laughing at each other and as friends. We talk, we build a crossbow and rest until late at night, at which point I gave him a little more blood, despite their protests. After all, he needed blood to recover and there was no hostile soul for miles.

Well, we fall asleep (although vampires sleep now and then, when they are injured are like normal people) rely on my runas (had such that the cave was a magical strength), they did a great service at dawn when the psychopath, the two vampires and a few surviving human-pet attacked us. One of the vampires ended up dead before you even set foot in the cave, and two humans became enmeshed in a plant that sprouted when they approached one of the runes. The rest of humans and the other vampire went into the cave to take out where Melisa expected. Robert, too weak to fight face to face, drove the crossbow and I threw it directly against the vampire, who eventually dismembered and died because they did not give up. Humans eventually all dead or injured or trapped by my magical traps. Melissa was so angry that he dared to enter, to find that all the runes of fire (which was expressly reserved for it) blew up. He did not die, despite everything, and came to me completely in flames. It took two shots while I held her crossbow at bay to die once, and just in case I made a few more runes of fire until it became ashes. At that time, Robert barely got up and fed to humans trapped and injured, without actually killing them.

Dalu At that moment, apparently not lost sight of us to test ourselves. He said he now knew that we were not enemies in the war and gave us two pendants that, in theory, position us as allies in the cold. Before my protests, would only say that, like it or not, vampires are not going to take the matter closed and that when we face the first of them we become their enemies. Robert, fully recovered from his embarrassment of blood, agreed and, after accepting us hanging, Dalu disappeared. Interestingly, my next attempt to contact Careas succeeded. They are two days away, towards the territory of the Druids.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

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Curious Curiosity killed the

always attracted the most basic mysteries which many human beings have, down the great wall called life to venture into the abysmal depths of the world of the dead, making clear obvious that this world exists. Then

as was so curious to know what lies beyond the material world would not wait any longer and left her physical body to scrutinize and get to the bottom of this mystery, see Deus ex Machina and reach the flame of knowledge, which has stirred his soul for many years.

mass suicides do not intend to call, but make it the clear the reason for our not, we are not empty, we are much fuller than you and your world of assumptions.

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Assault vampire's lair Robert

Day 133: rescue

the end, everything went well, although I'm not sure how I've been so lucky. I was alone until

den, without telling anyone or leaving a miserable note. Had tried to hold me and I was not ready. Well, outside the cave there was no one and went to sac. As the plan was crap (well he knew me) I ended up catching, but not before I upload a few vampires (I feel creepy just thinking about it).

took me to the dungeons (the bottom of the cave with a seedy bars) where Robert was a heap. Surprisingly, it made me wake up the bloating that I had installed from the time they caught me and started to throw the full furious anger. The vampires began to laugh (even Robert outlined an attempt to smile) and these appeared to Melissa, who fired to scare away my anger and even managed to wring my hands enough to make a rune of fire and scorch the hair and clothes all present. The so Melissa was so angry as soon as I was to head off there, but when I made an unflattering comment about appearance went to change clothes (or rather to get new clothes and a wig for the hair, because the left made a scarecrow), but not before ordering that I tied his hands and arms so that he could not even move muscle. After this, all barred the door and left us alone.

I knew Melissa would soon return and that he would settle accounts with me (first cover it with acid and then burnt, something tells me that I will keep as much bitterness as Robert throughout his life) and thought a plan (to be somewhat brighter than that brought me to this.) Well, I had tied her arms, but not the feet and why not draw runes with their feet? Unorthodox, but it worked. First we untied and then made a partial invisibility spell (c'mon, you only see what I thought I should see, and as the bonds were on the ground that we would only escaped and no one was there.) After I left a magical trap door and dragged Robert gift (which could hardly move) to the far corner.

was almost fun to watch were covered with a sticky substance when they opened the door (I had run out of runes offensive, because it needs to rest a while before re-use that kind of runes) and chaos erupted at seeing there was nobody. What happened next was very confusing. He was about to start the flight when attacked the hideout Cold (for the first time, the war benefit me) and chaos erupted. Given that I had already uploaded a few, have it easy. Robert and I stayed very still in the cell.

One of the magicians, the leader of the band, in fact, came in and saw the mess, but had to sense our presence and broke up the rune. Well, I confronted him with all the bravado I could muster (I said it could not attack with runes and my twin blades were the first who seized the vampires) and do not take me long to convince him that Robert was not with these, but it was his prisoner and I had gone to rescue. The type, Dalu, who was no fool, I was correctly inferred that he had facilitated the work and with more respect in their treatment, I brought up the double blades and leave with Robert because (verbatim) "This vampire is not part of the coven and have nothing against these things, provided they respect the rules. " His subordinates did not agree, but had enough sense not to make complaints. Dalu

warned to leave the cave, they would burn, that Melissa and two vampires had escaped. "Well, it's not something I worry, "I replied," I've already covered in acid and I fried, you have surely think twice before trying something. " He laughed and looked at me speculatively. We watched the cave burn the bodies of the vampires in it (and so I rested a bit, because Robert weight) and then cold mages (I fell better than I thought, although it looked at Robert, unconscious on the soil, with enough bitterness) left after a brief greeting.

After resting a while, I reloaded with Robert and I went to camp (for which took more than 6 hours) to find out that it was empty, with signs of having been evacuated in a hurry. And here I am, alone and slowly regaining my power to make offensive runes (for luck of the camp guards still persist) with an unconscious vampire I have given a bit of my blood (enough, I hope, because I almost fainted when he saw her ) just in case. It seems to be recovering, but not fast enough. He has not even awakened. As I can localizaré to Careas with a rune, but until then I just hope we do not suffer any attack, because I'm exhausted in every way.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

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In the world of dreams Dream

In the world of dreams, a place they know very well, as they spend most of their lives sleeping and dreaming, but despite it seem that humans could not sleep so got something to these furry creatures of the night not the ability to daydream, oh yeah, there's another animal that has this gift, the fish, this bug sleeps with open eyes, so also daydream, " what it would feel unable to wake from a nightmare because you're awake?. Returning to the world

cat doormat, some were left immortalize while resting in their dens, after that returned to their chores, but thank you for giving me this honor.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

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the sacrifices

Day 131: Attack Plans

Robert has done the most stupid I could have done. I did not expect that from him and I can not imagine how it happened like unconsciousness. What does he do? As it has throughout our safe camp in full guard and handed over to Melissa! And above is the very silly and left me a note saying that the only thing he could think and not try to go looking! That he believes that!

I can not help feeling great distress throughout the body, as I learned yesterday that Robert was in trouble now I think they are doing worse than go wrong. I could care less that has to enter into a den of vampires to rescue him. I'll do as much as Alex put Careas and disadvantages. But then, what can expect from them? Alex is terrified and as much as Robert is a friend can only fear. Careas merely say that he has made his choice and we respect it, sure that nothing happens. How naive! Do you think a little guy who has spent 600 years calling for revenge will be let off scot-Robert? And it is believed that because he has delivered and will probably be told that Alex had nothing to do going to leave him alone? How little people understand my world! Here, everything seems rosy, because everyone lives in their world and when they pull a weed by the roots at once, so do not conceive of any other weeds that thrive in spite everything. The problem is that Alex, instead of disappointment, his attitude is contagious.

Well, if they do not want to accompany me, for my nose I'll go there (I have found, are in a cave) I only (of bodweanas or talk, what was missing). I could not live with my conscience if I did. Robert is my best friend (although I must admit I do not know me so well as I thought when you expect me to stay idle while he's in there trapped and surrounded by hostile people. The plan is simple, perhaps too much.'ll Attack at night because surely hope that day attack. Do not be a problem because I know a rune that allows me to see in the dark. I'm going to sack the main entrance, because surely expect a sneak attack. Of course, first peinaré around for there are none left. After meeting Robert, he sets fire rescue and all, or perhaps collapsed caves do not know. I know it sounds crazy, but crazy is already facing a dozen vampires only a handful of runes, double blades and goodwill. If I do things slowly, I'll take me back, because contrary to what may seem I'm terrified.