Saturday, July 3, 2010

Chritina Aguilera Boobs

the sacrifices

Day 131: Attack Plans

Robert has done the most stupid I could have done. I did not expect that from him and I can not imagine how it happened like unconsciousness. What does he do? As it has throughout our safe camp in full guard and handed over to Melissa! And above is the very silly and left me a note saying that the only thing he could think and not try to go looking! That he believes that!

I can not help feeling great distress throughout the body, as I learned yesterday that Robert was in trouble now I think they are doing worse than go wrong. I could care less that has to enter into a den of vampires to rescue him. I'll do as much as Alex put Careas and disadvantages. But then, what can expect from them? Alex is terrified and as much as Robert is a friend can only fear. Careas merely say that he has made his choice and we respect it, sure that nothing happens. How naive! Do you think a little guy who has spent 600 years calling for revenge will be let off scot-Robert? And it is believed that because he has delivered and will probably be told that Alex had nothing to do going to leave him alone? How little people understand my world! Here, everything seems rosy, because everyone lives in their world and when they pull a weed by the roots at once, so do not conceive of any other weeds that thrive in spite everything. The problem is that Alex, instead of disappointment, his attitude is contagious.

Well, if they do not want to accompany me, for my nose I'll go there (I have found, are in a cave) I only (of bodweanas or talk, what was missing). I could not live with my conscience if I did. Robert is my best friend (although I must admit I do not know me so well as I thought when you expect me to stay idle while he's in there trapped and surrounded by hostile people. The plan is simple, perhaps too much.'ll Attack at night because surely hope that day attack. Do not be a problem because I know a rune that allows me to see in the dark. I'm going to sack the main entrance, because surely expect a sneak attack. Of course, first peinaré around for there are none left. After meeting Robert, he sets fire rescue and all, or perhaps collapsed caves do not know. I know it sounds crazy, but crazy is already facing a dozen vampires only a handful of runes, double blades and goodwill. If I do things slowly, I'll take me back, because contrary to what may seem I'm terrified.


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