Saturday, July 31, 2010

Renting Wedding Lenghas

The group starts to break

Day 140: The bodweanas leave

After several days of walking in which tension could be cut with a knife, bodweanas glimpsed a flash of city decided it was time to leave. No trust in his own common sense, we say goodbye to them making them promise not to say anything about the four of us and when they set out, faced with complaints of Careas and Alexander, Robert and I continue to see if they arrived safely in the city, and if indeed the city would not pose a danger to them. Luckily, there was nothing to worry about, since the city was controlled by the cold and let us pass through the hanging Dalu gave us, not without looking at Robert with some suspicion.

After making sure that Desdre Desma and were properly installed and that seemed to have many problems, we bought some supplies and returned we had come to meet the couple staring grimly. If previously there was tension, now it is practically a living hell. I do not know how we got into this situation after all we've spent together. I guess there are certain things that do not work from the beginning, and even if you try to glue to the breaks at the end the matter ceases to exist because there are more adhesive than anything else. Now I realize that everything that allegedly served to unite us apart even more.

Careas blame me for turning her life in constant danger, but I say does not the have forced me to stay?, Not to mention that I have animosity for time (just look what happened when Estrael got trick) because at some point they decided to not ask for my opinion I should be something like the official leader of the group. In addition, they tend to believe that she gives me more knowledge than I to her (a lie, as twice the time spent with their child's questions with my runes, only that she, by virtue of growing up in a world that science has no relevance or basis, it costs you more than me do magical drawings).

Alexander, meanwhile, always takes the side of Careas and also knows that I have him draft and that Robert will begin to sink as well (after many centuries, I think about time). I think it was a friend of Robert, and after me, out of pure interest: Robert did not want to be just so many centuries and did not trust other vampires and me because it was a good opportunity to return to Earth. Now not only has to Careas, and do not want to go home, so the mask of friendship is broken into pieces. Although

breaks my heart, I prefer not getting around the issue. I guess they will leave at the earliest opportunity, because nothing compels them to move on. In fact, I also blame me for being trapped in a hostile continent, as if I were forced to board the vessel at knifepoint doubles.


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