Thursday, June 3, 2010

What Is The Standard Size Of Stirrup Leathers

Neuroscience or Menteciencias


The German sociologist Niklas Luhmann believes in an old and wise rule: truths contextualized and errors occur, however, isolated. There are so many disciplines to take shelter in neuroscience who turn to this confusing, lacking a common thread that epistemic threading in one piece.

In recent decades, new scientific institutions everywhere dedicated to the study of this matter. In general, all adhere to the same resource: the multidisciplinary approach in research tasks. Today, neuroscience is not presented as a theory but as contextualized isolated doctrines.

Medicine nervous system

In origins, the scope of neuroscience is reduced to understanding the biology of neurons. Later specified with respect to the structure, function, chemistry, pharmacology and pathology of the nervous system.

With this approach, the "Society for Neuroscience in Peru" is open to scientists from different disciplines to study all levels of organization of the nervous system, while

the Institute for Neuroscience and Medical Imaging Center of Honduras providing medical services in diagnosis and treatment of neurological and neurosurgical and promotes education and research.

Similarly, the Institute for Neurosciences of Ecuador "ensures that conceives patient as a whole and that is studied for diagnosis and treatment support from multiple specialties.

also the "Neuroscience Society of Uruguay" indicates that the techniques applied in this discipline developed experimental neurophysiological aspects, neuroanatomical, neurochemical and neuropharmacological.

Since 1986 the "Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain, offered a doctorate in neuroscience. On the basis of the departments of cell biology, physiology and immunology attach various departments and faculties, through a coordinating institute, develop research activities involved in the study of the nervous system.

For its part, the "Group of Neurosciences at the National University of Colombia," claims to be working in interdisciplinary study of the brain and its pathologies and main objective is the development of research through a close correlation between basic science and clinical.

nervous system, behavior and psychology

far institutional manifestations are referred to biology and, in particular, diseases of the nervous system. However, the academic offerings also expresses broader scope than the previous.

L to "Civil Association of Neuroscience and Neurobiology of Mexico ", invites interested in addressing issues of performance and structure cerebral branches as cellular and systemic physiology, behavioral biology, biochemistry, signaling, motor control, sensory systems, mathematical modeling, systems engineering, robotics, artificial intelligence and molecular biology of development, plasticity and repair of neural circuits .

also the "Company Neuroscience Chilena "extends and specifies the areas of study: the nervous system in its diversity, its development, mechanisms of sensation and perception, motor system, learning and memory, sleep, stress, aging and neurological and psychiatric disorders among others.

addition of both, n Argentina, "Universidad Nacional de Córdoba" dictates Beginning this year doctorate in neuroscience as an academic cross, ie the orbit of six colleges and a private institute. The thematic areas to cover are about the biology of the neuron, the neurobiological system, cognitive neuroscience, computational and theoretical neuroscience and neuropathology.

be a clarification here, the Mexican Association incorporates the concept "attitude", the Chilean Society of "psychiatry" and the University of Cordoba, the "cognitive neuroscience." These words deserve attention because they refer to phenomena they can escape to the strictly biological.

Cognitive neuroscience is a branch of psychology and interconnects with other sub-disciplines such as cognitive psychology, psychobiology and neurobiology . Consequently, by incorporating psychology among the topics complicating the picture is original, strictly neurobiological.

The outstanding neurophysiologist and psychiatrist Eric Kandel, joint Nobel Prize in medicine 2000, argues that the task of neuroscience is to explain behavior in terms of activity brain. Thus, psychological and behavioral phenomena take interference and introduce new concepts in this regard.

Some researchers argue that the behavior has to do with the body's interactions with the environment and the psyche involves processes themselves. This vision changes the conception of mental processes and distinguishes them from their biological bases.

Dr. in physics and a philosopher of science Mario Bunge, Argentine based in Canada, is a strong supporter of neuroscience and a staunch opponent of psychoanalysis or psychology spoken of Freud and Lacan. Calling the psychology as pseudoscience reduce natural phenomena to two domains: the physical and biological. Kandel says different, he argues that psychoanalysis must accompany neuroscience is the discipline for more knowledge about emotional development. Boris Cyrulnik, a prominent neuropsychiatrist, psychologist and ethologist says French research teams verify that loneliness (an emotion) causes atrophy of neurons and that in speaking with someone in interaction, the atrophy disappears.

nervous system, language, education, socialization, culture and philosophy

Today, congresses, seminars and workshops convened on neuroscience scientists in general to achieve a multidisciplinary environment. In some areas such as universities develop neurophilosophy, neurosociología, neurocultura, neuroethics, neuroarte, neurolinguistics, neuroeducación, etc. All these "neuro" are linked to social phenomena.

With due regard for any of the above, perhaps the philosophy that has most responsibility. It is possible that the underlying problem is the correct development of epistemological framework, a task no doubt the philosophical intellect.

This, from its origins, attempts to explain the mind-body problem. The materialist thesis is that the mind is material. Consequently, mental states can be reduced to biological ones. The disadvantage of this position is that mental attributes are not in brain electrochemistry. According to the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein and his followers, the search for mental states in the brain is a mere confusion of concepts. However, it is hard to deny that the mind needs the nervous system and both operated on a reciprocal basis between them.

Resolve mind-body question, as it always has been, is a glaring issue for its implications in many different areas of science. One thing is the biology of the nervous system and quite another, the implications of the mind in the development of intangible phenomenologies (language, education, socialization, culture and philosophy, among others).

Neuroscience and Spirituality

The Chilean neurobiologist Francisco Varela makes important contributions to the understanding of epilepsy and the immune system, investigate the biological basis of consciousness and language, helps in developments of artificial intelligence, epistemology, conceived the concept of "enaction" and incorporates a cognitive psychology Buddhist thought.

Later in the twentieth century, quantum physics come to conclusions that the Eastern doctrine accepted since time immemorial. The interesting thing is that the methods used by each are fundamentally different approach while the results between science and spirituality is attractive to many intellectuals.

Varela, next to industrial and U.S. Attorney Adam Engle, at the request of the Dalai Lama, founded in the eighties, "Mind and Life Institute to study the links between Buddhism and neuroscience. The search for standards against such diverse ways to get cognitive achievements are goals of the Institute. Thus, we conducted joint investigations where it is applied Western science and Eastern contemplative tradition, that is, the biological basis of consciousness and subjective experience centuries.

Thus, Euro-American Neurological technology and techniques of meditation and introspection, with many concepts to describe a myriad of emotions and mental states, joined in the research tasks of Mind and Life Institute. According to Varela, Western science to study the brain and behavior, known equally disciplined complementary: the exploration of the experience itself. This is where Buddhism provides observations accumulated over time, with rigorous theoretical and practical exercises and very precise individual exploration.

"Whatever the results of this work, I am glad that you are doing," was the conclusion of the Dalai Lama when he addressed hundreds of researchers during one of the annual meetings of the Society of Neuroscience United States. " Dialogue is always a source of wisdom.

Neuroscience and noetic

In philosophy the term "noetic" refers to everything that has to do with intellectual vision or thought. A broader definition holds that l to noetic is the scientific discipline that investigates the nature and potential of consciousness, employing multiple methods of knowledge, including intuition, feeling, reason and the senses. Noetic science explores the inner world of the mind (consciousness, soul, spirit) and how it relates to the physical universe.

The noetic is to explain the effects that the mind can produce the stuff that surrounds it. The famous writer Dan Brown novel "The Lost Symbol popularized the noetic. In the book the author argues that the mind has power in the physical world. This assertion is accepted as valid by various contemporary intellectual currents and can be linked to the resilience concept coined by psychology.

Image: cover of the book by Dan Brown: The symbol lost. ''The mind is powerful in the physical world'' ;

The aforementioned neuropsychiatrist Boris Cyrulnik, father of resilience ", is responsible for investigating this issue, relating to the ability of people to recover from the adversities that you play live. The phenomenon can also be applied to communities, to be similar, and is recognized as "community resilience."

Overcoming crises and disasters depends on previous interactions, concurrent and post-traumatic indeed. The emotions of affection, love, solidarity, honesty activated in any stage or, better still if they occur at all, produce results that are not observable superseders when damaged these emotional qualities. Mental states do to the environment and what we are.

The noetic as concept of resilience are about the connections between neurons biology, emotions, behaviors, the impact on the environment, individual and collective self-structuring, etc.. These ideological positions beyond the biology of neurons.

nervous system studies, work on diseases, brain surgery, the analysis of behavior, psychological theories, concepts of language, thought and conscience, cultural products, the enigma of mind, all converging in neuroscience. Much has been achieved so far, however, still constitute a cluster of disciplines which are not presented in context.


If neuroscience, the science of neurons systematically uses multidisciplinary investigative tasks. Does this mean that the biology of neurons is not enough? Is there anything else that the electrochemical brain? Does the nervous system is everything?

If neuroscience is to explain behavior in terms of brain activity: the behavior depend only on what happens in the nervous system? Does the environment, the external, does not change the behavior? Is the psyche is not affected by other subjects?

If the behavior has to do with the body's interactions with the environment and the psyche involves proprietary processes: mental processes depend on what and do not depend on their biological basis? ; The psyche with its own processes "means shares outside the nervous system?

If the implications of the mind in the development of phenomena such as language, education, socialization, culture and philosophy go beyond the biology of the nervous system mind is there a biological and other non-biological? Human social behavior "in response to a social mind? Is there also an emotional mind? What is the relationship between psyche and emotional mind?

If the scientific method provides worthwhile results and the Eastern contemplative tradition develops effective principles: the working together helps to deepen the knowledge? Does the scientific method is the only valid?

If noetic science explores the inner world of the mind (consciousness, soul, spirit) and how it relates to the physical universe: "mental processes are autonomous from the electrochemical brain? Are the concepts of consciousness, soul and spirit include the nervous system?

If the material is a biological brain and the mind part one: Are they two merged in a science? "Neuroscience and menteciencia?

Note: Images of flags of .

Mario Hails, June 2010


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